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The Annual Session of the Sustainable Energy Committee of the UN European Economic Commission was held in Geneva

From 17 to 20 of November, the first sessions of the UN European Economic Commission's experts groups of energy efficiency and renewable energy and the annual session of the Sustainable Energy Committee of the UN European Economic Commission took place in Switzerland.


  The RA deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Hayk Harutyunyan had left for Geneva in order to participate in the events.


  During the sessions there were been discussed the situation of the   energy efficiency and renewable energy in the UN European Economic Commission's region, the perspectives, the best experience of different countries, climate change issues, the problems and the role of two expert groups, and the UN's role in sustainable energy development in general.


  The Deputy Minister Hayk Harutyunyan gave a speech during the Renewable Energy Session, presenting the Armenia's best experience in the field of renewable energy.   Hayk Harutyunyan also referred to the currently being implemented and the future programs of the specified field.

  The Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources had separate meetings with the representatives of several European delegations, international institutions and major private companies operating in the energy sector, during which they discussed the prospects of cooperation.