Within the framework of the electricity transmission network reconstruction project which is being implemented through the Asian Development Bank (ADB) it is expected to expand the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. To this objective, ADB has supplied Armenia with a long-term loan of 13.6 million dollars, whose maturity date has been determined to be 25 years. Moreover, the first 5 years will be a grace period. The co-funding of the government will be 2.5 dollars.
SCADA system has already been invested in Armenia with the support of Japan International Cooperation. However, for its full and productive activity the system needs expanding and modernization.
Within the framework of the expected 1.6 million dollars besides the modernization of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system, the installation of over 200 km optical fiber cables will also be implemented. This will enable to increase the number of system users considerably including different sub-stations and National Regulatory centre.
Within the framework of the project the package of already existing projects will be modernized and there will be an opportunity to exchange data among neighboring countries’ SCADA systems within the server.
In the result of the announced international competition Lahmeyer GmbH and Energy Division CESI S.P.A. as a joint advisory company has already been chosen as a consultant to implement the project. “AMERICA” CJSC is considered to be a sub-consultant.
An international competition was announced at the end of last year to choose also a contractor organization. The summing process of the results of the competition is currently underway.
After the winner organization is chosen, a treaty will be signed and the implementation of the project will begin, which is expected to end at the end of 2018.
The purpose of the project is to raise the accuracy of the received data, the reliability of the regulation of the energy system, the technical, financial and functional abilities of the Electricity System Operator, which will contribute to the reliable running of the energy system, decrease of losses and smooth power supply.